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Search results for "wisdom"

Black Metal History

The one sub-genre of music most closely associated with hatred, chaos, misanthropy, individualism, and a lack of rules has come to be known as...

Best of 2013

Seldom do I feel the need to explain myself but for once in my life I'm considering my goddamn audience. I'm not your typical...

Weekly Injection

We're officially hitting the bottom of the barrel with releases folks. This week we have one cool record, a live album, a covers EP,...

Open Metacast

I'm not sure what shutting the US government will prove to anyone, but I hope it doesn't mean that the Internet will shut down...


Can't think anything other than "Holy shit, I've seeing Shining Thursday with Cormorant." What should I wear to a "blackjazz" show? Corpse paint? Fancy...


Gorguts will be dropping Colored Sands on September 3 via Seasons of Mist, but we've got yet another track off the record for you...

Video Games

So in 1989, when the Famicom was still a thing that was used and talked about (in Japan mainly), there existed a Ronnie James...


Gorguts' Colored Sands is one of the most anticipated albums of 2013. Reaffirm that it's going to be an amazing record right here and...


Luc Lemay is a death metal legend, and a modest one at that, as he doesn't seem to agree to the title. His work...


For the first time in 12 years, Gorguts will be dropping a new record on us all! And we can finally hear what the...

Upcoming Releases

Apparently it's not just Trevor on the next record either, but a slew of famous guys singing about weed or whatever the hell Cannabis...


This week felt like both a slow week for albums and a huge week for albums. There were not that many new releases that...

Latest News

January is the dogs days of new releases, metal or otherwise; presuming everyone is still hungover from the holiday spending frenzy – one doesn't...

Latest News

Last night, Baroness issued a new update, saying they are ready to get back into it. The band was of course involved in a...


The moment is finally here; the Time is now (hur-hur). I suppose the default question must be: "does it meet expectations?" But could anything,...


Becoming The Archetype present their latest album with the added pressure of introducing new bandmates to the mix. Whenever a vocalist leaves a band,...


Al Cisneros of stoner titans Sleep and Emil Amos have created a sonic masterpiece with Advaitic Songs.  Om don’t really seem to fit into...

Upcoming Releases

This memorial day weekend was filled with BBQ and beer and fake patriotism, so in his infinite wisdom Uncle Sam decided not to give...


Let's kick off May with a massive A/V Roundup shall we? April showers bring May music, and here's all the new music and video...


Final installment, y'all. If you don't already have an app to get your shit together you can find one here. You'll want to utilize...

Upcoming Releases

The Melvins always know how to keep busy, and busy they will be this Spring as they embark on a tour with Unsane. They will...