Life of Agony bassist and artist Alan Robert will release the third installment of their The Beauty of Horror coloring book series, titled Ghosts Of Christmas, on October 30. The book centers around Ghouliana brutally killing all your favorite holiday characters, and the duo have released a fairly extensive and horrifying claymation video promoting the festive gore.
The claymation video was done alongside animator Trent Shy, who Robert says was a blast to work with.
"When we were first discussing the project, we spent many nights laughing about the endless ways we were gonna torture Santa's reindeer and destroy his workshop. Our motto was, the bloodier the better. Trent's ability to take my 2D drawings and adapt them into the 3D space is truly mind-blowing. He really put his own creative stamp on it and created something visually stunning. It's like an R-rated homage to The Nightmare Before Christmas."
If there's one thing we could all learn from this video, it's that we really need to bring back claymation as an artform.
[via Nerdist]