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TRIVIUM To Reissue Ember To Inferno With 13 Additional Tracks

13 exclusive tracks. Not demos, not live tracks.

13 exclusive tracks. Not demos, not live tracks.

Trivium's 2003 debut album Ember To Inferno is such a vastly different monster than the Trivium we know today. It was the only album to be recorded as a trio (sans studio musicians), and was the only album to feature only guitarist Matt Heafy on vocals. So it'll be interesting to revisit the album upon its release this year!

The reissue will be out on December 2, and will be available on CD and vinyl. Then there's the Ember To Inferno: Ab Initio versions of the album, which will feature 13 never-before-heard tracks from the band's past. That deluxe version will be available on CD and a 5LP box set. So you know, not one of those bullshit "exclusive tracks" reissues where it's two extra demos of songs you already heard and a take where the drummer passes out halfway through the song.

Check 'em all out in full here at the pre-order via the band's website.

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