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THE OCEAN's Next Album Will Be Released With AND Without Vocals

The Ocean have taken an interesting approach to their next album release. Set for release on April 30th in the US (April 29th in Europe), the release will come with two versions, one with vocals and one without.

It's an interesting approach for a band like The Ocean to take, seeing as though they create very rich landscapes with their music, that maybe don't necessarily need vocals. I guess they'll let you be the judge of that. Frontman Robin Staps commented:

"The album was originally written to be instrumental, but in the end me and Loic couldn't help but try out a few things vocal-wise and we soon got pretty excited… so there will be vocals on the album; however, we want everyone to have both versions, and we are also planning to perform the album live that way – with and without vocals."

Is this a trend that we'll be seeing from more bands? How do you feel about this?

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