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MISERY INDEX Begin Recording Their New Album

The prospect of new Misery Index is enough to excite anyone who likes good music. The band released Discordia in 2006, Traitors in 2008 and Heirs to Thievery in 2010, all of which have been amazing records. I think it's pretty easy to assume their upcoming 2014 record is going to be sick!

The band had to say in a press release:

"We just began recording our first record for Season of Mist. Adam (Jarvis) has started tracking drums with [Pig Destroyer's] Scott Hull at his Visceral Sound Studios outside Washington DC. [After the drums are done] the rest of the album will be recorded at Wrightway Studios in Baltimore, by Steve Wright (DYING FETUS). We expect tracking to wrap up in early January and are looking at a spring 2014 release. It is shaping up to be our longest and most diverse effort to date. In the meantime, we will be posting studio updates and videos, as things unfold. Cheers and looking forward."

So we've got Misery Index and Scott Hull in the same room right now laying down some heavies. To say I'm extremely excited about the record is a little bit of an understatement! I'm also a little curious to see if Seasons of Mist will push them in a little bit of a different direction or, since Misery Index have been at it for over ten years, they'll just leave them to do their thing. Obviously they signed the band knowing what they were getting so I'm led to believe the label will be doing the latter.

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