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In The Studio

GRUESOME (EXHUMED, POSSESSED, Etc.) Is Working On Their First Album Since 2018

Coming hopefully in 2024.

Gruesome New

Gruesome – the band featuring vocalist and guitarist Matt Harvey (Exhumed, Left To Die, etc.), guitarist Daniel Gonzalez (Possessed), bassist Robin Mazen (Castrator, Derkéta), and drummer Gus Ríos (Left To Die, Living Monstrosity) – is working on their first new album since 2018's Twisted Prayers.

The news comes from Ríos, who said he's hitting the studio in January with the intention of getting a song out in 2024. So get stoked.

"Ran through a couple of the NEW Gruesome songs for our upcoming album on Relapse Records and yeah this shit is DEFINITELY next level! We are halfway done writing and i know it's taking awhile but we are working on it! I'm going to record drums on 2 songs in January and maybe we'll release one of them so everyone can check out the new direction…or progression actually.

"[Matt Harvey and Daniel Gonzalez] let's get back to work come January! ????????"

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