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DEFTONES Hope To Have New Album Released By The Fall

"I think it's a little more of a heady record"

"I think it's a little more of a heady record"

Deftones are really rolling with their new album. Yesterday, we posted a 15 second teaser of new material and today frontman Chino Moreno gave a whole lotta info to Rolling Stone about the release.

Moreno says the band plan to finish recording by the end of the month with producer Matt Hyde, who worked on their last album. They hope to have the album mixed and mastered over the summer to prep for either a September or October release.

As for the sound of the record:

"I think it's a little more of a heady record," Moreno says in comparison to Deftones' last. "I feel like we've gone into the songs and really dissected them. If something sounded a little straight, we took a left turn and made things a little screwy. We just tried something completely opposite, not to sabotage it, but to challenge ourselves and try new things that we haven't done in the past.

"It definitely feels like we've taken a step from our last record," he continues. "But it's definitely a Deftones record, and it has all the elements that make us who we are. We're not going out there to change anything, other than just thinking outside the box."

Other interesting bits from the piece include new info on the revival of Chino's side project, Team Sleep. Moreno states that a new album is done and he's just waiting for the right time to release it. His other side project, Crosses, is on hiatus until Deftones are on break again.

Check out the full interview at Rolling Stone.

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