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Dave Lombardo's DEAD CROSS Posted A Hectic Studio Mini-Teaser

It's all smooth jazz and Kenny G covers.

It's all smooth jazz and Kenny G covers.

Dead Cross, the band featuring ex-Slayer Dave Lombardo on drums, Retox guitarist Mike Crain and The Locust vocalist Gabe Serbian and bassist Justin Pearson, is in the studio! Though we already knew that… but did you know that this album is going to cave your skull in?

The band took to Facebook to post a fairly brief teaser of what's to come from the studio, and it's pretty much the crusty, face-paced disgustingness you thought it was going to be and then some! Unsurprisingly, this has only made us want the record more.

Dead CrossBack in the studio!!!

Posted by Dead Cross on Monday, December 28, 2015

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