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Dave Grohl Is Drumming On The Next QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE Album

We've already established that Dave Grohl is the coolest dude in the music business, the dude will even top your beer off from stage. What a guy! He'll even fill in on drums if your drummer just quit.

And that's exactly what he will be doing on the new Queens of the Stone Age record.

According to Antiquiet, Grohl is a lock for the new Queens album, confirmed by the photo attached to this post, which was seen on the band's Facebook page. He will be replacing Joey Castillo, who has left the band.

Grohl is no stranger to working with Homme, having drummed previously on QOTSA's Songs For The Deaf and working with Homme in Them Crooked Vultures, always demanding "fresh pots."

Queens of the Stone Age's new album is expected in 2013.

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