Low drummer and vocalist Mimi Parker has passed away after a battle with ovarian cancer. Parker was one half of Low alongside her husband Alan Sparhawk, who wish all the best for at this time. Parker's death was confirmed by the band's social media account, who shared the following statement:
"Friends, it’s hard to put the universe into language and into a short message, but… She passed away last night, surrounded by family and love, including yours. Keep her name close and sacred. Share this moment with someone who needs you. Love is indeed the most important thing."
If you've never checked out Low before, you really should – they've always felt to me like William Basinski tries to start a shoegaze band (with just a touch of stoner rock influence) and it's nothing short of beautiful. For a good representation of that, look no further than the band's 2021 single "All Night."
Thanks for everything, Mimi.