Bassist Dave Sherman has passed away at 55 years old. Sherman was the longtime bassist of Earthride and Weed Is Weed, as well as the former bassist of stoner rock legends Spirit Caravan and The Obsessed. News of Sherman's death began swirling the night of September 6 and was confirmed by the Spirit Caravan Facebook page, who offered "REST IN PEACE DAVE SHERMAN. RIDE THE CARAVAN TO THE SKY!"
Sherman's former Spirit Caravan and The Obsessed bandmate Scott "Wino" Weinrich also offered the following: "R.I.P DAVE SHERMAN. He was a great person with a big heart. I am grateful for the time we shared and the music we created. We are stunned and saddened beyond belief. He will be sorely missed."
We wish Sherman's family and friends all the best at this time, and of course thank Sherman for all his crunchy bass riffs over the years.