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Search results for "rammstein"

Matching Tags: Rammstein , rammstein

Injection Reflection

March is donezo! It's WrestleMania weekend and I'm ready to party. Here are this week's most trending stories: "A Weird Satanist Guy" Interviewing GHOST...

Upcoming Releases

We've been waiting eight years for new Rammstein, and it's almost here!

Tour Dates

A total of five North American dates have been confirmed.

Tour Dates

There were rumors circulating a few weeks back that Korn would be touring with Rammstein this summer. We were confused at the time, because...

Music Videos

It's a little weird, but the accordions make it work... in the weirdest way.


UPDATE: A few weeks after this story was originally posted, we learned that Rammstein and Korn will be doing one show together in Las...


Complete with a short, pretty intense trailer.

br00tal Comedy

Last night I learned of a new hilarious TV show aired in Russia, "Toch-v-Toch", where their famous singers are judged on how close they...

Tour Dates

We are cool with this.

Latest News

Rammstein WOULD have a tequila.

Music Videos

Much, much better than the last time you heard it.

Live Footage

We haven't had a new Rammstein album since 2009’s Liebe ist für alle da , but it's coming. The band performed a new song...

Latest News

What's with metal bands and bikes?

Tour Dates

This fest looks to be a total ripper!

Injection Reflection

Santana calls out the Superbowl, Rick Rubin on Slayer and more.

Tour Dates

One date, though it'll likely be memorable for years to come.

Upcoming Releases

This is everything Rammstein has ever done and you need it.