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Last week, Black Sabbath frontman Ozzy Osbourne made some shocking comments about founding Sabbath drummer, Bill Ward, stating Ward was too fat for Black Sabbath....

Juggalo Times

This past weekend, a small town in Illinois was rocked by the Gathering of the Juggalos as it steam-rolled through the time bringing with it...

Latest News

Mike Portnoy hasn't done a Progressive Nation Tour since 2011, and that was when he was still with Dream Theater. Now he's back with...

Fuck Yes!

With sites like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo giving artists a way to fund projects directly from the fans, labels seem to be putting less money...


Anything regarding new Revocation is a big deal, mostly because everything they do is just so damn good. Their new jam "Fracked" is no...

Latest News

Corey Taylor is not just the frontman of Slipknot and Stone Stour, the guy moonlights as a New York Times bestselling author as well....

Around the Interwebs

Another day, another great Tumblr idea to add to our favorites, which include  metal cats, bargain bin blasphemy, meeting Fred Durst and of course the Juggalos of OKCupid. A...

Latest News

Hello, I'd like to introduce you to your new favorite straight-up death metal band, their name is Deprecated and they feature members of Suffocation...

Latest News

A few weeks back we worried that Nachtmystium were dunzo, but frontman Blake Judd reassured us that wasn't the case and that the band...


Ay ay ay, this Guitar World Jeff Hanneman issue is seemingly a never-ending pile of Slayer drama. We learned that Hanneman was in a...

Latest News

There will also be a new Tool album in 2013! Just kidding, but seriously get in here for the all the charity warm-heartedness that...


If there’s one thing I can compliment about August Burns Red, it’s their consistency. They have released a new LP every two years since...

Shocking Revelations

Randy Blythe might be a free man after his overwhelming trial in the Czech Republic on allegations of manslaughter, for which he was cleared,...

Bummer Alert

It's been a little over a month since the tragic loss of Slayer guitarist, Jeff Hanneman and the tributes keep rolling in. We posted...

Latest News

Apparently David DiSanto of Vektor was not happy about a protest going on at the Scion Rock Festival and winged a beer at a...

Upcoming Releases

Holy fucking shit. Anyone else smell that when they heard the news? Smells like a potential album of the year. Behemoth never disappoint, and...

Mustaine Mania

One thing Dave Mustaine is known for is his trademark ginger locks. But those locks aren't easy to maintain, they take a lot of...

Latest News

After Ozzy had a relapse in his sobriety, Sharon says he's finally back on the straight and narrow. Not that anything could kill that...

It's Just Business

According to the Department of Labor, there are 45% fewer working musicians now than there were ten years ago. I think I need to...

Around the Interwebs

Ahh, Tumblr, endless source of entertainment. Clearly, Yahoo agrees with me since they just bought Tumblr for over 1 billion dollars. There are great...

At The Movies

Now that Metallica have completed their $20 million 3D movie, Through The Never, they have to go out and sell it to distributors.  Through...


Whoa, Huntress just got a huge seal of approval from a Golden God of heavy metal. The band, who is working on a new album...


Metallica announced their (not very cheap) pinball game a few weeks ago, and I have to say, after watching this mini-playthough video, I really...