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Take a listen to their first band, Black Monolith.


Get a better idea of what the new Metallica track sounds like.


Metallica promised a new song in 2014 and they delivered "The Lords of Summer"

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Weekly Injection

Another week of releases on the smaller side, but some cool shit is still dropping. In this week's edition we have metal guys being...

Gear Gods

Gear Gods found this incredible video of a drummer with a prostethic machine drum-arm. According to Gear Gods:  Jason Barnes is no ordinary drummer:...

Latest News

The band hope to release the album in June.

Weekly Injection

Not too many big releases this week, but there is certainly a diverse batch of records dropping.  This week's edition of THE WEEKLY INJECTION...

Weekly Injection

We're back here with another fairly slow week, however these releases are pretty eclectic. In this week's edition we have Taiwan folk metal, some...

Live Footage

Oblivion frontman Nick Vasallo took inspiration from metal bands like Dying Fetus, All Shall Perish, Antagony and others when composing his new piece, Elements...

Black Metal History

Tracing the origins of black metal is less like searching for a needle in a haystack and more like wondering through a graveyard at...

Live Footage

Madison Rayne proclaim themselves as "America's most patriotic rock band," and performed at a NASCAR event over the weekend performing a "unique" rendition of the American...

Upcoming Releases

Danzig is going to have a big 2014.

Shocking Revelations

Gear Gods posted a fascinating interview with producer Joey Sturgis a few days ago. Sturgis has worked with a lot of names you might...

Latest News

See what a four-piece HELLYEAH looks like.

Latest News

"Lyrically, it’s a much more personal record, and musically, I feel the songs have more dynamics and depth than ever before."

Shocking Revelations

The last time we wrote about Christian metal act For Today, I discovered a blog post on frontman Mattie Montgomery's personal blog, which has...

Black Metal History

Almost any discussion about black metal invariably starts by referencing bands from the second wave of the sub-genre like Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, and Immortal. It's not surprising since...

Full Album Stream

Prog-metal awesomeness!

Black Metal History

The one sub-genre of music most closely associated with hatred, chaos, misanthropy, individualism, and a lack of rules has come to be known as...


We've been waiting patiently for five years since Behemoth dropped their 2009 blasphemy Evangelion. Obviously nobody could be angry about the wait given frontman,...


The honeymoon is over!