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Search results for "cult"

Music Videos

Featuring dudes from Revel In Flesh and Wombbath.


Everything, from the acrid, biting vocals to the pummeling, dissonant fretwork is emblematic of hardcore punk's best traits. When A Patient Man clicks, which...

Black Friday

Markov Soroka and Nizam Salimbayev---immigrants from Eastern Europe---met in St. Louis over black metal and new opportunities. The result is a sensational debut record.


"The album’s cover art, which depicted Satan inhaling smoke from a bong with black towers of an ancient city behind him, beckoned the interest...

Music Videos

Portland's Uada made my Top of 2016 with their soul crushing debut, Devoid Of Light, that embodies the blackened flavor of greats like Mgla...

New Music

This is just flat out incredible and stupid heavy.

Music Videos

Decapitated kept teasing something was coming, we wrongfully hoped it might've been new music, but actually – it's just their new music video for...

Music Videos

For the uninitiated, West Yorkshire's Monolith Cult plays a classical, epic doom metal. They take the best of early Solitude Aeturnus and Messiah Marcolin-era Candlemass and meld it...

Upcoming Releases

"Our album drops in September. Yeah, it's really difficult music."


They seemed to arrive out of nowhere in 2016—faces veiled and clad in leather jackets. The Portland quartet Uada blindsided black metal audiences with their debut...

Tour Dates

I've never felt like more of a targeted demographic then when I'm driving in my car. I have a SiriusXM subscription, and realized that...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a video premiere from Holy Grinder’s Cult of Extermination.

New Music

Perhaps what is most striking about Cult of Extinction's first demo, Black Nuclear Magick Attack, is its dynamic take on "war metal." The typical buzzsaw black/death/grind...