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Search results for "2010"


Rockstar Energy's Mayhem Fest started this past weekend in California and the shit is going down. In case you have been wondering what the...


By Ben Apatoff Five records into their career, NORMA JEAN aren't losing any energy. Most metalcore vocalists could learn from CORY BRANDAN's ferocious clean...


By: Navjot Kaur Sobti Now, I’m not usually a chick who has the patience to get through most doom metal, unless it’s my bedtime,...

Tour Dates

Looks like Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax had so much fun on the European Big Four shows (cheap plug: video of full live sets of...


Cephalic Carnage have posted the first taste of what the material on their new release, Misled By Certainty and it shreds. You can head...

Upcoming Releases

Frequent subject of RIP a Livecast fodder and impersonation, Dave Mustaine is coming out with an autobiography. This is officially the most anticipated book...

Juggalo Times

We spent a bit too much time talking about ICP and their Juggalo fan base the last few months. Whether it be their absurd...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Instead of practicing with his band, The Red Chord for their upcoming co-headlining spot on Summer Slaughter, bassist Greg Weeks checked in answering a...


Every Time I Die's DVD, Shit Happens, may be my favorite band DVD of all time due to the sheer entertainment value these guys...

Tour Dates

Devildriver are a pack of busy mofos. Besides being in the midst of writing a new record and heading out on Ozzfest this summer,...

Free Swag

You read that correctly! Thanks to the fine people behind FYE's Extremely Extreme Sale, Metal Injection is able to award one lucky grand prize...

Fuck Yes!

Holy shit! Reviewniverse is reporting that an anonymous source has told them that Beavis & Butthead creator Mike Judge is currently working on new...

Latest News

Oh, Dave Mustaine! Thank you for keeping me constantly entertained. Between blowing me off at the Golden Gods and hanging out with some buxom...


By Ben Apatoff They've got a band name that's impossible to take seriously. As with their last album, their third release's title sounds like...


In short- the album is great, go buy it, and go see the band live as soon as you can.

Latest News

Swedish metallers The Crown have signed a worldwide deal with Century Media Records and according to guitarist Marko Tervonen are 'happy as hell to...

Fuck Yes!

This is exciting! During a recent festival appearance at France's Hellfest, Decapitated guitarist Waclaw "Vogg" Kieltyka was interviewed and was asked about the future...

Latest News

If we were giving out awards for headline of the year, that would certainly be at the top of the list. Twenty year old...


When Animosity officially called it quits, I was bummed. Very bummed. Mostly because I was such a fan of drummer Navene Koperweis, I didn't...


Quite literally, Commissioner is a new collaboration between Suicide Silence frontman Mitch Luckner and former Burning The Masses frontman Cam "Big Chocolate" Argon. But,...


Monday's over and we have some tunes to get you through the week… Soilwork have posted what will be their first official single off...

Bummer Alert

Stone Sour are on the European festival circuit right now and doing some interviews. Guitarist Jim Root, who is also obviously the guitarist of...

Upcoming Releases

Well, it's official. Cephalic Carnage's upcoming release, Misled By Certainty is officially my most anticipated metal release of the summer. I am very very...