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Come join Bolthorn and myself for the second and final part of our 2011 Rewind! There was so much good music released this past...

Black Metal History

Both black and death metal embody the most misanthropic, morbid, depressing, sickening, and rebellious traits of mankind—yet they are quite different from each other....

Tour Dates

Carnifex, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Conducting from the Grave, and The Contortionist will be supporting All Shall Perish on their upcoming North American tour for the album...

Best of 2011

This is always my favorite portion of the year-end recaps… the portion where we ask you, the Metal Injection junkies, to pick your favorite...


UPDATE: Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman passed away on May 2nd, 2013. Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman has been sidelined for virtually an entire year after...

Best of 2011

As part of our ongoing series of Best of 2011 posts, we are announcing our Top 10 Music Videos of the Year on the...

Tour Dates

The fine folks behind the New England Metal & Hardcore Festival got an early start on announcing the lineup for this year's event. The...

Upcoming Releases

Relapse has been doing a pretty amazing job with all these Death reissues lately, and the fun isn't stopping. They have just announced a...

Latest News

A few days ago, we reported that the studio where Gojira is recording their new album pretty much gave away that the band had signed...

Upcoming Releases

Seeing Obscura this weekend was one of the highlights of the Metal Suckfest. They are tighter than a schoolboy's anus. (I went there!) Also, without...


It’s always been my motto that “I’ll go wherever the music takes me,” and since no place on earth is any further than a...

RIP a Livecast

Reminder: The Livecast has moved from Wednesday nights to Sunday nights from 7pm-9pm Eastern. Check back this Sunday for an all new episode. On our...

Bummer Alert

This sucks. I was really looking forward to seeing The Haarp Machine live on their currently tour with Decapitated and Decrepit Birth, but it...


Flourishing don't play by anyone's rules.  This is often a hallmark of interesting music that isn't ultimately engaging or enduring.  The Sum of All...

Relapse Records Podcast

This month on the Relapse Records Podcast, we introduce our new host, Translation Loss recording artist Josh Mahesh plus premiere exclusive tracks from Red...


The Devin Townsend Project is stopping in New York City, as part of their current tour with Children of Bodom, Obscura and Septicflesh and...

Show Recap

Metal Injection sent roving reporter Chloe Scannapieco to Sonisphere UK last weekend, and she came back full of great memories of seeing Metallica, Slayer,...

Around the Interwebs

This is awesome. One fan took the time to buy a bald wig and a regular blonde hair wig, and combine the two forces...

Breakups & Shakeups

Well this is sort of a bummer, bassist extraordinaire Jeroen Paul Thesseling has announced his departure from technical heavyweights Obscura. Thesseling cites scheduling conflicts...


When you're obligated (or just want) to listen to as much music as I do, it becomes difficult if not impossible to "memorize" a...


In a country that boasts of our first amendment, we've taken our liberties to speak, shred, and blast beat out – in the name...

Free Swag

Oh hell yes. The weather is getting warmer, which means it's time for the most extreme festival of the Summer, and as usual, Metal...

Free Swag

Everybody loves LOLCats! We've all wasted countless hours staring at cats with captions. But now, you can create your own LOL captioned photo for...