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Search results for "taste"


Yessss!! Cryptopsy have posted the above trailer for their next album, featuring snippets of new music, and holy fuck, this shit sounds crusssshing. Like,...


As I Lay Dying have spent the last few months in the studio and finally we are getting a taste of what the band...


We love Nachtmystium around these parts, as if the copious amounts of live footage we've amassed wasn't a giveaway. We are really excited about their new album,...


Here it is, the first teaser or Periphery's sophomore release, Periphery II, which is set for release on July 3rd. We get a whopping...


I was incredibly excited when the press advance of Baroness's new double album, Yellow & Green arrived in my inbox last week. The problem? I...

Upcoming Releases

I'm pretty pumped for Fear Factory's upcoming album,The Industrialist. The album is a concept record, which Burton went into detail about at the Deciblog and...


We've been quite curious about Brendan Small's new side project, Galaktikon ever since he exclusively first revealed the information to us a few years...


I don't know why I even thought that the Metallica & Lou Reed collaboration would be bearable. I thought Death Magnetic was alright, but...

Quick Bits

Man, I love following Randy Blythe on Twitter for multiple reasons. One, being that he is funny as fuck. Two, being that he will actually talk...


A few weeks back I had a chance to listen to the new Textures album, Dualism and it's quite the treat. Lots of djenty...

Latest News

Yes! Yes, and Yes Again! After revealing their album art last week, the 'don come back with a pretty titalting album teaser featuring our...


We've been pretty hyped up on T.R.A.M. since we were first exposed to the band at SXSW. The band of course features Tosin Abasi...


Ok, this time it's totally real. Roadrunner has uploaded the first full track from Dream Theater's upcoming album, A Dramatic Turn of Events. The...


Well, this is the proper way to kick off a Friday. Anthrax have uploaded a free stream of their new song "Fight 'em 'til...


Update: Junkie SearchAndDestroy rightfully points out that this track is actually off James LaBrie's MullMuzzler album (on which Mike Mangini plays) and the track...


Decapitated's new album, Carnival Is Forever is one of my most anticipated releases of this year. I've been dying to hear some new music...

Quick Bits

We've heard hints of possible new music from Spylacopa, the experimental group headed by Candiria guitarist John LaMacchia featuring Greg Puciato of The Dillinger...


Tim Yeung, the current fill-in drummer for Morbid Angel played a drum clinic recently, and one of the songs he played was a new...


Well looky here. A few days after releasing a 30 second cock tease video about their forthcoming EP, The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues, Between the...


Wormrot have posted the second track, titled Erased Existance, from their upcoming Earache release, Dirge. (Hear the first leaked track here.) Fuck, I'm so...


HULL are in the studio writing a new record, and a few weeks back took a break from writing to open for Kylesa at...


Cephalic Carnage have posted the first taste of what the material on their new release, Misled By Certainty and it shreds. You can head...


Late last year, it was revealed that Scott "I Say Yes To Everything" Ian & Rob Caggiano of Anthrax would be teaming up with...