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Loud creepy music scares the crap out of regular folk, just like tales of fire and brimstone have freaked people out since The Middle...

Weekly Injection

Another STACKED week. New stuff from Earth Rockers, Finnish symphonic nerds, that one band Pitchfork loves, and many, many more! To the metals…


The New Wave of British Heavy Metal did not stop at Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Saxon.


I have all the respect in the world for Australia’s King Parrot. They’re a band that has basically taken the step of diving head...

Weekly Injection

Greetings nerds. This week is a slower week for releases, but I'm a bit relieved. I've been moving and the last thing I need...

Weekly Injection

Welp folks. We're about to hit that dry period of album releases. Most labels have already pushed their best stuff and are prepping for...

Weekly Injection

Holy hell people. This edition of THE WEEKLY INJECTION is a beast. If you like death metal you'll be blowing so much money this...


I'm going to try to be as respectful as possible with this post so bear with me. At the beginning of the year, For...


There’s only a few more days ‘til Halloween, and, for many metalheads, this is the time of year when custom horror movie marathons are...

Upcoming Releases

Bad news, good news and potentially better news. The bad news: This is a really slow week for metal. The good news: The few...

Weekly Injection

The metal world has been getting really heavy lately (pun intended, but I'm not proud of it). There has been death, a murder plot,...

Weekly Injection

After a killer slate last week this Tuesday brings things back down to Earth… volume-wise there is plenty to sort through, but the highlights...

Music Videos

Are You Metal? comes from Helloween's new album "7 Sinners".


It's been an eventful week for For Today. After taking to Twitter and mentioning that "homosexuality is a sin," For Today guitarist Mike Reynolds...

Upcoming Releases

Our favorite frontman's band is back. All That Remains have announced they have completed recording their new album, which will be called You Can...


When our photographer Aline Miladinovich had the opportunity to spend a few weeks bunking on Mayhem's tour bus, this past Fall, she could not...


YOU GUYS! They were back for one night only. Plant Vochestra, the improv group which consists of Tommy Rogers of Between The Buried and...

Latest News

Holy shit, this tour is awesome. Decapitated have announced the Carnival is Forever tour, in support of their recent crushing release of the same...

Tour Dates

Well, this is exciting. A few weeks back, we guaranteed that Between The Buried and Me, Animals As Leaders and Tesseract would tour this...


> Our fine New Jersey friends in GOD FORBID have posted the above new edition of GFTV featuring some pre-production footage. Check out all...

Tour Dates

Meshuggah, Dillinger Escape Plan, and Between The Buried And Me will team up for the greatest bill ever to be put together, and of...


During our interview with BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME from last year's Saints and Sinners fest, vocalist Tommy Rogers mentioned a side project he...

Tour Dates

Suicide Silence will be launching a headlining run later this year with A Life Once Lost, Walls Of Jericho and The Agony Scene also...

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