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Latest News

Not even kidding; cassette. Before you get all up in arms about the releases, remember how nostalgic this is for some, how cool looking...

Latest News

Norma Jean has released some pretty… interesting teasers for their upcoming record, but now we know the real stuff. The jokes are actually included.

Upcoming Releases

Watain are pretty well known in the metal scene, and for good reason; they're way good. Now they're back to haunt our brains and...

Tim Lambesis Trial

Last week, we learned via an alert that Tim Lambesis was released on bail from a San Diego prison but at the time that...

Metal Merch

Record label Hydra Head are selling off a bunch of really cool stuff to close down their Los Angels HQ. Heartbreaking for most, but...

Metal Merch

Bedwear is a merchandise line that not many bands choose to conquer. Last year, Municipal Waste released a snuggie for a limited time and...

At The Movies

You may not have realized this, but Rob Zombie's new horror film, The Lords of Salem came out this past weekend. How do I...

Music Videos

Boston, Massachusetts female-fronted death metal unit ABNORMALITY have dropped a new music video for the track "Fabrication of the Enemy."

Upcoming Releases

Amon Amarth certainly don't want to disappoint their fans, so they've announced what might be the coolest damn deluxe version of 2013!

Metal Merch

Yesterday, a teaser was released for Metallica Pinball, and it was definitely cool. Today, we get a bit more info.

Fuck Yes!

When you create something this fucking awesome, you have to give yourself some time to prepare. That is why details have been announced seven...

Latest News

Lair of the Minotaur have been silent on the new music front since 2010's killer Evil Power, but that's about to change. The band is releasing...


Having been on Victory Records through an entire album cycle now, and with a cover of D.R.I.'s classic "I Don't Need Society" in the track...

Latest News

Alright, I wasn't really on-board with Tool reissuing their Opiate EP when I first read about it. All it was at first was just...

Latest News

Lamb of God is wasting no time getting back on the road now that frontman Randy Blythe has been acquitted of all charges in...

Latest News

The world is ready for the new Black Sabbath album, 13 and we now know when we will get it. The album will be...


With Kentucky, Panopticon delivered one of 2012's best and most original metal albums – a mixture of raw Cascadian black metal and Appalachian bluegrass that somehow...

Black Metal History

As part of Black Metal History Month, we will be spotlighting classic albums that we feel are essential for any fan of black metal. This...

Black Metal History

As part of Black Metal History Month, we will be spotlighting classic albums that we feel are essential for any fan of black metal. This...

Black Metal History

Following my post on the origins of 25 Heavy Metal Stage Names, I thought what better sub-genre to focus the next iteration of the...

Upcoming Releases

I got very excited when looking in my inbox and finding a press release for a new Tool release. Of course, Tool said they'd...

Black Metal History

As part of Black Metal History Month, we will be spotlighting classic albums that we feel are essential for any fan of black metal. This...

Black Metal History

As part of Black Metal History Month, we will be spotlighting classic albums that we feel are essential for any fan of black metal. This...