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Tour Dates

Hollywood's all star team is back.


"I, The Mask doesn't shake things up very much or restore In Flames to their 'glory days,' but it certainly sees them perfecting their...

Tour Dates

Today seems to be a big day for tour announcements. Alice Cooper and Halestorm would like to add to the announcement pile. Motionless In...

Upcoming Releases

But we don't know what the album is called just yet.

Tour Dates

Hellyeah have announced their first show since the tragic passing of drummer Vinnie Paul last June. Paul died of a heart attack. "HELLYEAH: A...

Tour Dates

It's a cross-country celebration.

Tour Dates

"'Is this your last show?' The answer is we don’t know, but we sure hope it isn’t."

Earnings & Attendance

How much money does a band make on the road? Billboard hopes to answer that question, somewhat, by providing gross sale reports in their...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Every Thursday, Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. Culled from the week’s past shows, these tracks...

Tour Dates

This will be a fun tour!

Tour Dates

Iron Maiden are coming!

Tour Dates

We had a feeling this was happening and now it's confirmed. Korn and Alice In Chains will spend the summer touring together on a...


"I think we’ve been ahead of some of the other bands."

Tour Dates

Breaking Benjamin is hitting the road this summer and they're bringing Chevelle, Three Days Grace, Dorothy and Diamante Tickets go on sale to the...

Tour Dates

They're back at it again.


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....