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MI Canadian photography correspondant, Jeffrey Chan was at the recent Toronto stop of the killer Volbeat, Hellyeah, Iced Earth tour and manage to take...

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Just to quickly recap, High on Fire pulled out of touring on this summer's Rockstar Mayhem Festival after Matt Pike was revealed to be...

Fuck Yes!

It's safe to say that James Hetfeild is the coolest member of Metallica, and basically one of the coolest motherfuckers alive. The dude likes...

Tour Dates

The Melvins are looking to make history by setting the Guinness World Record for the first band to play all 50 U.S. states and...


It's been a hot minute since we've added any new photos to our massive photo gallery archive but that all ends today. We have...

Upcoming Releases

I'm not in the mood for witty anecdotal introductions this week. But I am in the mood to be mean. Check below for some...


It's Friday, and before the weekend hits, let's do a sweep of all the new music that was just put out, including new tracks...


It's only Tuesday? That's kind of a bummer, why can't it be the weekend for a whole week, am I right? Thankfully, we have...

Injection Reflection

Well, it's Friday, and while the internet is collectively bummed at the loss of Beastie Boy Adam "MCA" Yauch, there was a ton of...

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You may recall a few months ago Aaron Harris, drummer of the now defunct post-rock masters ISIS hinted at a new project with former...

RIP a Livecast

On this edition of the Livecast, we celebrate Noa's 29th birthday. A few callers call in to wish her a happy birthday, and we...

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Protest The Hero are keeping busy. They're currently out with Periphery and Jeff Loomis on a pretty killer tour. Recently, frontman Roddy Walker was...


When bands are in the studio, there is always some extra time to a little goofing off, and sometimes the resulting goofage ends up...

Upcoming Releases

Last year, we kicked off our MI Studio Sessions series with a very intimate acoustic performance from Tesseract. They really excelled in the environment....


Our Toronto photographer Jeffery Chan keeps crushing it, just posting a slew of new sexy snaps to our Photo Gallery of Children Of Bodom's...


Our resident Canadian photographer, Jeffrey Chan snapped some sweet shots recently that we just posted to our photo gallery. Check out n Flames &...


It's Thursday, which means the weekend is so close I can smell it. While I patiently wait for it, here are some new tunes:...

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Check out the crazy shredding of Jeff Hughhell, the new bassist of Six Feet Under. Jeff replaces Matt DeVries, who is now in Fear...

Upcoming Releases

Holy crap, Devildriver are an album making machine. Since forming in 2002, the band has put out a new record every other year. It...

Upcoming Releases

My, oh my is this exciting. Slayer have had some time off recently, so why not start working on new material? The group have...

Injection Reflection

Well this has been a crazy week for me, personally, just readjusting to being back on land and not on a cruise ship. Many...

Upcoming Releases

'Tis the season to be recording new music. High on Fire are currently holed up in Godcity Studios, which is owned by Converge axman...

Upcoming Releases

When ISIS officially announced their permeant hiatus, I was pretty bummed. During the middle part of the last decade, they were easily my favorite...