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Search results for "blues"


The resurgence of that classic heavy metal sound abounds in a huge way lately, though under the guise of labels like "stoner rock" and...

Upcoming Releases

Rolling Stone apparently cares about music again! They posted a very in-depth article on the upcoming Black Sabbath album, 13 and it features new...

Bummer Alert

Not this again! A few months back we couldn't believe that Machine Head were barred from playing the Orlando House of Blues, which resides within...

Hand Ov Doom

It's been a while but the Hand ov Doom has finally returned from Maryland Deathfest. We're getting back to the grim, stark reality of...


> TRAP THEM had the mixing of their upcoming album, “Seance Prime” finished on Sunday by Kurt Ballou at Godcity Studios. The band are...

Metal Merch

Soundtrack To Your Escape and Siren Charms as well.


"This album isn't one for genre purists, but lovers of pure expression created by people with a deep understanding of multiple types of music."

Tour Roundup

Till Lindemann, Opeth, Kittie, Megadeth, Veil Of Maya, Evanescence, and more!

Music Videos

Another throwback to their old-school sound.

Tour Dates

Baroness will continue to hit the road in support of their latest record Stone, this time with a handful of US tour dates this...

In The Studio

Their first with their new lineup.