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Search results for "Soundscape"


"Wormrot shape other genres around grind for their purposes and to their advantage."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Werewolves, Horned Wolf, Darkane, Coheed & Cambria, and Betraying The Martyrs.


"Bleed From Within showcases a willingness to do what the song needs, while still pushing themselves as songwriters."


"This particular niche of metal may never have a champion of this caliber in this lifetime."

This Is Just A Tribute

Gabe Serbian's drumming was vital to my growth as a metal fan.


Three decades, explored.


"Dystopia fits in nicely with the post-metalcore wave, but Caliban still calls back to the many eras of heavy music they’ve partook in."


"Parrhesia is an extremely enjoyable and exemplary—if also fairly familiar—addition to Animals as Leaders' catalog."


"Enemy of Love has a dark alchemy that brings out the best in both bands."


On the The Long Road North, Sweden’s undisputed gods of post-metal, Cult of Luna, release a superb album that is more mature, nuanced and...


"While Rolo Tomassi isn't the first mathcore bands to try post-rock on for size, they've achieved a particularly natural bridge between the two genres."


"Erebos is a blood-boiling rampage of an album, with thoughtful scaffoldings to separate Venom Prison from the pack."


Ithaca, frontrunners for havingthe greatest potential in all of her Majesty's kingdom


"Boris super-fans will continue to experience the breadth of the trio's journey and worship accordingly. People who find that minimalism doesn't push enough air...

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. SANHEDRIN – Correction With their new 'Lights On' LP coming on...