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Search results for "Bride"


English/American rock band makes a deal with the Devil. What can go wrong?


Featuring music from The Faceless, Born Of Osiris, and more!

New Music

What if Avenged Sevenfold's new material had more of a power metal influence? Then it might sound like the brand new Black Veil Brides...

Bands and Booze

The California natives have teamed up with San Diego's Belching Beaver Brewery for a beer they are calling Phantom Bride IPA.


The first taste of new music from Black Veil Brides is a heavy one?!

It's Just Business

This advice has nothing to do with music, just marketing.


Before Andy Biersack was the frontman of Black Veil Brides, he fancied himself an actor. Recently, an old video of him being the lead...


From their beginnings pioneering death/doom (like fellow masters Paradise Lost) to their obsession with gloomy funeral doom, My Dying Bride evokes the air of...

Music Videos

Here's the epic music video for the title track of the new My Dying Bride album, Feel The Misery out Sept. 18th on Peaceville.

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the monthly metal mag. under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at...

Upcoming Releases

I think we're getting old My Dying Bride back.

Around the Interwebs

It's that thing everybody's been posting about today.

Earnings & Attendance

Who drew more people… Powerman 5000, Gwar or Whitechapel?? The answer may surprise you.

Injection Reflection

Black Metal History Month is officially done. You can see all of our posts here. For now, here are this week's most trending stories:...


Andy don't mess around, I guess?

Earnings & Attendance

How much money does a band make on the road? Billboard hopes to answer that question, somewhat, by providing gross sale reports in their...

Music Videos

Well, we thought some of their new output was certainly tolerable, and this is certainly a catchy rock number, but could they maybe have...


No, that is not Matt Heafy singing for Black Veil Brides.