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Upcoming Releases

Last week, I posted that Kylesa was coming out with a rarities album, and I found out later in the day that ISIS is...

Latest News

The Chariot has always been good if you really appreciate the hardcore roots of certain facets of metal. They usually present a great raw...

Latest News

I love Amazon.com's monthly $5 digital album sales, and this month they went above and beyond. You can get Pantera's greatest hits, the first two...

Upcoming Releases

Queens Of The Stone Age are not ones for long Facebook status updates. Earlier today, they posted a brief message, "Recording." Which means it's...

Upcoming Releases

Neurosis have just announced the title of their eleventh full length album, the follow up to 2007’s Given To The Rising. The album has...


There hasn't been a new Neurosis album is five years, Given To The Rising came out in 2007. We haven't heard much from the...


We haven't heard new Down music since 2007's Down III: Over The Under but that all changes today with the release of their first...

Breakups & Shakeups

When I saw on MetalSucks earlier that Lady Awa left Lordi, my compadre Axl Rosenberg was shocked there was even a female in the...


It's a long journey from paying tribute to being tribute-worthy oneself. It's a common pitfall among many artists: hamstringing themselves with their own sense...


You know what we think of the new Baroness record (spoiler alert: we fucking love it) and now you can decide for yourself. The...

Latest News

We don't usually post about covers of magazines around these parts, but this is a special exception. We want to wish a huge congratulations...

Upcoming Releases

Hats off to MetalSucks for uncovering that we will absolutely be hearing new music from Pig Destroyer this year. Oh, hell yes! We know...

It's Just Business

Not too long ago, I published an article on royalty rates for music streaming services such as Spotify and Napster. The moral of the...

Show Recap

My legs are really sore. That's the first thing I could think of when putting together this post. I spent the weekend in a...


Stream the album in full at themusic.com.au If you had asked me several years ago if I ever thought a band like France’s Gojira...

Upcoming Releases

I was a bit overwhelmed by the staggering amount of big releases out this week; but it's true, the metal gods are just, and...


Gojira's L'enfant Sauvage is on track to being my album of the year. Well, either that or Koloss by Meshuggah. But god damn, do these...


Witchcraft, who formed in 2000 as a tribute to Pentagram members Bobby Liebling and Roky Erickson, just signed a deal with Nuclear Blast Records after...

Bummer Alert

Here's something we've seen happen all the time. Bands, and band members in specific are over the touring grind. Riding in smelly vans, having...

Open Metacast

Open Metalcast Episode #47, wherein it's quick and dirty. Shownotes after the break: http://archive.org/download/OpenMetalcastEpisode47QuickAndDirty/open_metalcast_047.mp3Podcast: Download


I was incredibly excited when the press advance of Baroness's new double album, Yellow & Green arrived in my inbox last week. The problem? I...


Anyone who was on MySpace around the year 2005 was probably introduced to Job For A Cowboy at one point and time. I’ll never...


It's Friday bitches! Before we break out for the day, we thought we'd do one final roundup for the week of all the new...