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Search results for "wars"


Polish grindcore act Antigama have just released a brand new song entitled "the Law," off of their forth coming new E.P. titled Stop The...


A couple years ago, I was surprised to hear of ZP Theart’s departure from Dragonforce. Apparently the separation was due to “insurmountable differences of...

Injection Reflection

The weather is getting nicer. The days are getting longer and the metal is getting heavier. This was a pretty busy week. Lots of...


Finally, somebody with the balls (or cuddlefish, really) to tell Dave Mustaine what we've all been thinking. Mustaine has been in the headlines a...

Mustaine Mania

Oh, goodie. Another fantastic Dave Mustaine interview to dissect. You guys know how much we love talking about Dave Mustaine and what insane things...


Dave Mustaine has been known to say a few controversial things in the last few weeks, whether it be his support for Santorum, his...

Upcoming Releases

GWAR are some of the hardest working professional musicians I have ever met. These guys focus on every aspect of presentation and also make...

Injection Reflection

This was a busy week with a ton of new music and announcements from Metallica, Pantera, Black Sabbath drama and the Deftones. Plus, Valentines...

Black Metal History

Both black and death metal embody the most misanthropic, morbid, depressing, sickening, and rebellious traits of mankind—yet they are quite different from each other....

Latest News

Holy shit!! On Tuesday, November 1st, a plane going from New York City to Warsaw, Poland had to make an emergency landing after a...

Latest News

In some bittersweet news for Behemoth frontman, Nergal, he has been removed as one of the judges for the Polish version of The Voice....

Tour Dates

Tours are being announced left and right for 2012. I'm not done with 2011 yet! This one is for all of our European readers:...

RIP a Livecast

This episode was all about playing new clips, like this Japanese woman who reviewed both The Matrix and Star Wars. This lead to this...


[tv]https://metalinjection.net/tv/view/7722/real-polish-political-ad-with-death-metal[/tv] I don't know if you guys are following this circus that is the Republican Presidental Primaries, but personally, I feel like nobody has...

RIP a Livecast

On this edition of the Livecast, we finally heard back from one of our longtime listeners, Shlomo. He had some questions for us, but...


It's Wednesday, and there is a ton of new metal out in the wild wild webs, so we thought we'd provide a service for...

Latest News

Well, the Big 4 totally happened. We weren't there, but from all the tweets we saw over the weekend, it looked like it was...

Breakups & Shakeups

Today, Opeth and Chimiara are both without keyboardists. Opeth fired relieved Per Wilberg of his keying duties, while Chimaria keyman Chris Spicuzza left to...


by James Zalucky For all of you metal guitar players out there, I think I have something you'll appreciate. Now I know there are...

Show Recap

by Cary Gordon Last night at the Verizon Theater in downtown Houston, metal rained down on a crowded amphitheater full of eager and head...

Tour Dates

Oh fuck yes! We are super proud to be teaming up with our friends over at Sick Drummer Magazine to present to you, without...

Video Games

Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock is expected to be released September 28th, and with that, lots of details are surfacing. For one, the makers...

Tour Dates

This is rather exciting. Celtic Frost frontman, Tom G. Warrior's new project Triptykon has scheduled their first US tour and they have some great...