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Search results for "trust"

Show Recap

See the full photo gallery from this show. Last April presented an extraordinary opportunity to cover two 1349/Gate to Khaos shows in Western Norway...

Upcoming Releases

Ever since Jesse Leach officially returned to the fold of Killswitch Engage, we were riled up with excitement, especially when we got our first...


With cover art that looks like Skeletor having 'Nam flashbacks, you might be inclined to assume that Fastkill – relentlessly old school, unapologetically cheesy –...

Bummer Alert

Original Deftones bassist Chi Cheng hasn't had it easy since his 2008 car accident, which left him in the partially conscious state that he...


Gaza are pissed off. I mean, dangerously pissed off. They’re one of the few bands in the extreme music today that actually lives up...

Upcoming Releases

The metal gods have spoken, and the cosmic wheel of new releases ever turns. Last week we got by on the strength of no-names...

Hand Ov Doom

In an age where Illuminati-controlled mass media has dumbed down society, where alien encounters have been covered up for years, where everyone actually is...

Upcoming Releases

According to thePRP, Job For A Cowboy have named their next studio Demonocracy. The LP, which was produced by Jason Suecof and the Audiohammer...

Mustaine Mania

We all love a great Dave Mustaine story, and this one is no different. Mustaine was recently asked by Music Radar about his opinions...


Things are heating up with this Black Sabbath drama. To quickly recap, drummer Bill Ward released a public statement saying he could not commit...

Black Metal History

Both black and death metal embody the most misanthropic, morbid, depressing, sickening, and rebellious traits of mankind—yet they are quite different from each other....

Around the Interwebs

Here's something really cool. A new Twingine of some sort to aid in a metalhead's ravenous hunt for common or rare records was started...

Attention, Stoners:

UK stoner ancients Orange Goblin will release their brand new studio album, A Eulogy For The Damned, on February 14, 2012. This date is...


It’s always been my motto that “I’ll go wherever the music takes me,” and since no place on earth is any further than a...


In the heart of every music fan there is a shrine of sound, a cache of albums that comprise our sonic comfort zone. Most...

Shocking Revelations

There is some drama in the Emmure camp this week. Here is the short version: Drummer Mike Kaabe was posting instructional videos on the...

Latest News

Remember a few weeks ago when Tony Iommi was all like "Black Sabbath is getting back together" and then was all like "No, we're...


I don't usually get excited about tracklistings, but with Steel Panther, pretty much everything they do is awesome, including tracklistings. The band is set...

Bummer Alert

Just when we were getting super-duper excited about a possible Black Sabbath reunion, turns out it was all for naught. Or was it? Tony...


Melodic metal pioneers IN FLAMES have finished recording their latest album, Sounds of a Playground Fading, and they have just released their 3rd webisode...

Latest News

Well, the Big 4 totally happened. We weren't there, but from all the tweets we saw over the weekend, it looked like it was...

Latest News

Trent Reznor had a pretty good week last week. He won an Oscar and got to meet Batman and apparently, he is now in...

Tour Dates

Some of you guys will be excited to learn that two bands that rack up a lot of searches on this site, Avenged Sevenfold...