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Search results for "bangers"

Upcoming Releases

Blasting – there's a lot of it.

Metal Merch

In collaboration with Esjay Jones.

Bummer Alert

"Due to reasons beyond our control."

Latest News

"Even the bad reviews, people have talked about it. People are still interested in us, so that's all I could ask for."

Tour Dates

Touring Europe again after a five year absence.


From the possible to the seemingly impossible.

Live Footage

Including "Humiliative" for the first time in over a decade.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Doro, End, In This Moment, Obscura, Poppy, and Wargasm

New Music

Get catapulted into Meshuggah's signature unrelenting sonic journey.

Latest News

"I stand by the statement for a lot of reasons."

Metal Merch

Unveiling the ultimate photographic tribute to the thrash metal legends.