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Search results for "grindcore"

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome back to the Bandcamp Buried Treasure article series, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp...


Earlier this year Deafheaven released Sunbather, arguably one of the most beautiful heavy metal albums ever recorded. Vasaeleth just barfed all over it. All...

Shocking Revelations

Weston Coppola Cage, the son of Nicolas Cage is a known black metal musician. He was the frontman in the now-disbanded LA black metal...

We've seen weddings where Converge was blasted, where Slayer's "Raining Blood" was the wedding intro song, grindcore weddings, and this but I've never seen...


In spite of several well received tours over the past six years, a successful Carcass studio comeback was never a guaranteed proposition. With only Bill Steer...


Baseball-themed grindcore act Puig Destroyer,a group consisting of members of Thrice, Curlupanddie and Kowloon Walled City, inspired by baseball player Yasiel Puig of the Los...


Puig Destroyer, which I thought was a typo for a while but is actually a grindcore "supergroup", posted their first single on Bandcamp! It's...

Latest News

Good news for my fellow head banging Gothamites! This summer New York City's getting a brand new music fest that's geared to fans of...


New Exhumed sounds pretty all over the place, in a good way! Think about a crazy spastic version of what Exhumed has done up...

Mustaine Mania

If you haven't downloaded Spotify yet, here is the perfect excuse. The streaming music service has this new feature where they ask artists to...


Ramming Speed are quality thrash-and-death metal, no questioned asked. Of course if you need to hear why first hand, you're free to check out...


Fuck the Facts will destroy you with their new tune, or at the very least wreck your brain with the animation that comes along with it.

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....

Upcoming Releases

For this year's Record Store Day, Earache Records is releasing what they're billing as "The Worlds Shortest Album". The record clocks in at a...

Latest News

What do you get when you combine grind and art? A live rig that has a high potential to disintegrate right before your eyes, which is...

Latest News

Comebacks can be scary, especially from legendary bands such as Carcass. What if it sucks? What if it's so bad that nobody goes to...

Injection Reflection

It's been a busy week for us behind the scenes at Metal Injection. We experienced some server downtime, and believe me, we're making massive...

Music Videos

Revolutionary grindcore squad ANTIGAMA have issued a studio report on the ongoing recording process for two upcoming releases for Selfmadegod Records, including the Stop...

Music Videos

BRAND NEW MUSIC VIDEO for grindcore pioneers BRUTAL TRUTH. Both tracks taken off BxTx's 2011 release "END GAME" on Relapse Records (voted one of...


I was a big fan of Rotten Sound's 2011 LP, Cursed, so I approached this new EP with high expectations, all of which were...


This might be the greatest song about pancakes since "Bacon Pancakes" by Jake the Dog. Father of the Year nominee Adam “Blackula” Young started...

Open Metacast

Some believe the Mayans predicted the end of the world will happen this Friday. But what would cause the world to end? Asteroids? Global...

Best of 2012

Here are my favorite albums of the year: