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Weekly Injection

Another STACKED week. New stuff from Earth Rockers, Finnish symphonic nerds, that one band Pitchfork loves, and many, many more! To the metals…

Tour Dates

After much teasing and a bit of delays, Iron Maiden have announced the dates for the U.S. portion of their world tour: Feb. 24...

Breakups & Shakeups

The band cites creative and personal differences.

Bummer Alert

Looks like the folks at Disney are really starting to pay attention to metal lyrics. We've heard this story before. There are House of...


With 2015 being the 30-year anniversary of essential classics from Slayer, Sodom, Destruction, Bathory, Celtic Frost and other bands, we've decided to take a...

Weekly Injection

Just as I feel metal is in a funk for the year my inbox fucking explodes with promos for great records. Thanks Satan. This...


Metal, like punk rock, was born in a cold, industrial city. While punk’s ancestral homeland is the embattled, riot-weary Detroit of the late 1960s,...


In the early 80s in Florida, Kevin Sullivan was inspired by bands like Ozzy Osbourne and Metallica to create a villainous Satanic character.


Check out this shit hot split from grind gurus Nerve Altar records featuring two of America's finest purveyors of furious face shredding grindcore: Florida's...

Latest News

Did someone say excellent death metal?

Metal Science

Also, Five Finger Death Punch ranked as the most popular rock band in the country.

Weekly Injection

The Tuesday version of this piece is coming to a close this month in favor of a Friday one. Look forward to this?!? Anywhoozle,...

Upcoming Releases

Four years worth of waiting has paid off!

Music Videos

You'll think your screen is broken, but it's not, unless it is of course.

Weekly Injection

Happy Cartoonist Day! Draw yourselves slaying something to celebrate! On to business. This edition includes indie/stoner darlings, lots of Satan, a terrible reference to...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes cellos, sad metal, a truly special band I hope blows up huge, and more! To the metals…


April 21st, 2015 marks the 3rd release by Abiotic. Since their forming in 2010, the band has constructed an EP in 2011, as well...

Latest News

Whoa! We knew Deftones were busy recording a new album, but it seems like they may be finishing up soon. The band said they...


What if this would have been a Christian band that was asked to perform under a Baphomet or inverted cross? Their protest would be...


As reported in most corners of the metalsphere last Monday, the van carrying members of Wormreich and Khaotika, who were supporting Kult of Azazel...

Tour Dates

I have to commend Marilyn Manson's and The Smashing Pumpkins' booking agents.