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Latest News

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let's grind it out with Elder Devil's The Light Dimmed Eternal.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include some death metal, some nasty death metal, perhaos the dumbest blurb I've ever written, and more! To...

Only a few weeks after releasing a creepy lyric video for their first new single, "You'll Never Find Me," Korn is back with an...

Upcoming Releases

Lacuna Coil is back!

Weekly Injection

Just because it's the Fourth of July weekend, doesn't mean there isn't metal to be had. To the metals…


Abbath's second album is a big, bold and very fun listen. It carries on the legacy of Abbath's past while applying a classic heavy...

Full Album Stream

Listen to an exclusive stream of the band's new album and read an in-depth interview with the Skarstad brothers

New Music

Korn promised new announcements today and they have delivered – a new song and all the info on their next album. The band's upcoming...


The Smokeless Fires should be pleasing for fans of neo-trad metal, or anyone who wants to hear what Reroute to Remain would sound like...

At The Movies

The Prince of Darkness becomes King Thrash.


If 2018 was a big year for heavy metal, 2019 has been gigantic. Roughly six months in and the sheer quantity and quality of...


Reach for the Sky is only the band’s second full-length of their 20+ year history, but we're pleased to announce it's quite good.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include OG metal peeps, modern metal standouts, MOTHERFUCKIN' WHITESNAKE, and More! To the metals...


Metal Injection’s head babysitter, Rob Pasbani and I both agree that Sweden’s Martyrdöd is a little-known band. His metric has something to do with...

New Music

"Chemicals" was written in homage to those we’ve lost and all of us struggling with mental illness.