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Matching Tags: upcoming releases

Quick Bits

Metal Nick has posted an entire BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME set from '07 in which the band plays their last CD, Colors all...


God damn, what a year to be a metal fan. New Alice in Chains, new Slayer and NEW MEGA-FUCKING-DETH! Roadrunner have posted a free...

Upcoming Releases

A few weeks ago, we prematurely reported that SLAYER's upcoming CD would come out early this month. While the band is still on track...


The fine folks at Roadrunner Records have given us the opportunity to stream the track "Fate Stepped In" off of DEVILDRIVER's upcoming CD, Pray...

Quick Bits

SUICIDE SILENCE are currently streaming their upcoming release, No Time To Bleed in its entirety on the band's MySpace page. The CD comes out...


I gotta say, these studio updates from THE RED CHORD that Gunface has been sending us have been getting funnier and funnier. This new...

Clip of the Day

Neil Hamburger is not just America's funny man, he is one of my favorite comedians. I saw him do standup not too long ago...


Last night, I attended BrooklynVegan-Black Bubblegum Showcase which was headlined by one of my favorite bands, DOOMRIDERS who absolutely ruled. They just ripped it....

Weekly Video Recap

The weather is getting hotter and the metal is getting more extreme~! I logged on today to find a ton of great new clips...


Woo, all about roundups today! Three bands, and new music, lets get to it: First up, our buddies in Suicide Silence have posted the...

Quick Bits

Before he was selling out arenas with Killswitch Engage, Howard Jones sang screamed for a band called Blood Has Been Shed. News came out...

Latest News

We're packing our bags and heading to Maryland for the seventh annual Deathfest. We are teaming up with Handshake Inc., who will be taping...


Some of Jim's favorite original songs not released on official albums, along with the wold premiere of the title track from Skyfire's upcoming album!...

Latest News

They'll be sharing a mainstage spot with SLAYER on the biggest metal tour of the summer this year, so KILLSWITCH ENGAGE had better deliver...


Now that hipsters, non-metal rock fans, ERIC CLAPTON's label, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN's producer and mainstream publications have caught on, you no longer need underground metal...


We have another extremely intimate edition of the RIP a Livecast. We start the show talking about why Sid was standing the whole show....

Go See This Fucking Band

Above you will find a making of video that the post-metal titans that go by the name ISIS have released unto the wilderness, for...


Woah, in the last few days a sea of awesome music has found it's way online: DEVIN TOWNSEAD has unvieled a new look and...


San Diego's leading misanthropes CATTLE DECAPITATION, better known as a beastly death-grindcore band riding on their best album yet, just bestowed a new video...

Latest News

Man, tough break for THE HAUNTED. First, KYLESA and INTRONAUT drop off so they can go on tour with MASTODON and now MI-favorites NACHTMYSTIUM...

Latest News

Here at the Metal Injection studios, we cannot stop cranking the new MASTODON CD, Crack the Skye. It is an early contender for album...


Holy crap! When we posted the teaser to the new MASTODON video for the track "Divinations" we were excited. Today the video premiered on...