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Search results for "logic"

Song Premiere

The Chicago avant-garde black metal band is set to release a bold debut. "To Quicken Stone" shows just how great their introduction will be.

Metal Crimes

The charges against the two others involved were also dropped.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes epic-ness in a few forms, lots of grooves, and more! To the metals...


If you were to ask me 10 years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to predict that Underoath would last into the year 2018....

Latest News

Y'know, like one where you can actually hear Jason Newsted. He's not sure though.


Two sieg heils in the last few months is two too many.

The Obituarist

Hello freaks and geeks. It is I, The Obituarist; your favorite rain man hunter of all things underground! After a long and once indefinite...

Sick Art

LITERALLY her entire back is an intricate tribute to Meshuggah

Best of 2017

Hey Freaks!  Here is a whopper of a year end list to get you googling while I finish up the return of The Obituarist. ...

Video Premiere

The Denver duo of Oryx makes their return this week with a brand new album entitled Stolen Absolution. The band's second full-length record fluidly combines gritty...


“Hearing is for life, wear fucking earplugs at shows”

Upcoming Releases

Not the Garage, Inc. compilation, which is a different thing.

Music Videos

It's so catchy, but it's so silly... and we can't stop listening.


Avatar's Johannes Eckerström talks Avatar Country, their glorious benevolent ruler and the band's 'world's fair'

Best of 2017

We've pooled our collective thoughts and lists to determine what was truly Metal Injection's album of 2017.

Latest News

Another year, another list. This has been, in my not so humble opinion an excellent year for heavy metal. We've seen a ton of...


Nevermore's discography at a glance, commemorating departed frontman, Warrel Dane.