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Injection Reflection

The first week of March is done. We're ready for the weekend. Here are this week's trending stories… TOOL Tease New Tour Dates Announcement...

br00tal Comedy

It's been a hot minute since we've posted a new video from Anthony Vincent a.k.a. Ten Second Songs, but he's just released an awesome...


This list is evidence of how out of touch the GRAMMYs can be when it comes to metal. With the Grammy Awards this Sunday, (metal...


You know you're getting old when 20 years ago feels like just yesterday, but that's how I felt compiling this gallery of album covers...


Code Orange deliver an excellent record in Forever. It captures two sides of a great beast: its massive devastating heft, and the darkness lingering...

Injection Reflection

The first week of the year is in the books, and here's what you may have missed! From Metallica to Meshuggah, lots of fun...

Injection Reflection

The year is winding down. We're going to be releasing most of our remaining "Best of 2016" lists next week and come back this...

br00tal Comedy

It's been a while since we've heard from Anthony Vincent of Ten Second Songs. Today, he decided to tackle one of the biggest singles...

Injection Reflection

I'm pretty excited because it's SummerSlam weekend, and I'll be at that and NXT Takeover this weekend. If you're a wrestling fan like me,...

Bummer Alert

29-year-old Robert Smucz fell to his death over the weekend.


In the past few years, it has become increasingly clear that a revival of industrial music is on its way. In hopes of finding...

Upcoming Releases

Featuring cover songs of Rammstein, Soundgarden, and Nine Inch Nails, alongside some originals!

Injection Reflection

Another week in the bank, here's what you may have missed… Nick Menza's Family To MEGADETH's Dave Mustaine – Thanks But No Thanks About...


The 2016 edition of the iconic French festival Hellfest is over, and dozens of thousands of bruised, bloodied, exhausted metalheads are wild eyed, ecstatic...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some legends, game-changing tech death, Uncle Al's latest non-Ministry thing, and more! To the metals...

Kids In Metal

Parents of the year exposed their kids to Misfits and got them to cover the legendary tune "Halloween." This reminds me of those kids...

Metal In The Mainstream

Nice to get some recognition from the Wall Street Journal.

Injection Reflection

Plus stream the new After The Burial album, Bring Me the Horizon vs. Coldplay and more

Injection Reflection

What a weird lineup of posts our top 10 is this week, tragedies, funny clips and underground band recommendations… Former STONE TEMPLE PILOTS Frontman...

br00tal Comedy

Kudos to elizabeth f-r for this fantastic cover of the classic Metallica tune USING ONLY HER MOUTH! What talent. Here are some more acapella...

Music Videos

Rammstein frontman Till Lindemann can't help making provocative art. Whilst Rammstein is back at work on new material, Till still had some time to...

Weekly Injection

Who knew that there would be may more good releases not on 9/11. Weird. Anyway, there is almost too much good stuff. Canadian shred...