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Metal Science

Let's just tip the sacred cow here.

br00tal Comedy

I guess there have been so many guitar fails this year that Uniform Media felt compelled to put 'em all in a good old...

If you don't believe me, just skip to :30 of this video. Here is the original for reference. Good luck Serj K., we hope...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Greg Celona who had the best zinger: “Still think illegally downloading music doesn't affect artists?” Now...


It starts off very ambient and then kicks into tech-death high gear only to end ambient.


Anyone who says Metallica don't know how to laugh hasn't seen any of this yet.

Injection Reflection

And just like that June is over. We're almost at the second half of the year, which is mind-boggling to me. Here are this...

Shocking Revelations

Well, this is definitely a controversial statement.


We're halfway through 2014 already and it's been pretty crazy in terms of good releases so far. Here's some of our favorites!

Upcoming Releases

Maybe you haven't heard of Midnight because you're too busy listening to boring bands like Whitechapel and Black Label Society; well, now's the time to rectify that situation


Yeah, classic rock death metal. You know you're curious to know what's up with that.

br00tal Comedy

The guy who made the Every Linkin Park Song Ever parody is back with a lampooining of David Draiman and Disturbed, and totally nails...

br00tal Comedy

Covers are all about taking a song and making it your own and that's exactly what Tomaldi Sotrampo Civelums feat. Carolina Valdes did with this...

br00tal Comedy

Move over Lie or Liar, I have new favorite worst band.

Caption Contest

What's your best zinger?

Caption Contest

What's your best zinger?

br00tal Comedy

Workaholics, possibly one of the greatest television shows ever filmed in the history of ever, finished up on Apr. 16 for the season. What...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Desmond who had the best zinger: "After the controversy about their promotional photography, Mushroomhead decided to...

br00tal Comedy

Lie Or Liar might be trolling us (LOL anyone?!) but either way, their new track PARANOIAC! is the best terrible song I've heard so...

Live Footage

Check out Pit Full of Shit, video by Frank Huang

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Charlie who had the best zinger: "Grandma was so ashamed of Jeremy's unoriginal corpse paint that...