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JOB FOR A COWBOY may be death metal's answer to MATISYAHU. Both victims and beneficiaries of an overwhelming amount of hype, JFAC have roped...

Upcoming Releases

A few weeks ago, we prematurely reported that SLAYER's upcoming CD would come out early this month. While the band is still on track...

Quick Bits

Oh, hey! Did you know we are on Twitter? And Facebook? And MySpace? Just wanted to make sure. You know, we constantly keep those...

Tour Dates

Above is an interview we conducted with Alexi and Janne of CHILDREN OF BODOM right before Alexi injured his arm and had to leave...

Latest News

(Full disclosure: HULL are bros of the MI crew. Unfortunately, their music also happens to rule.) Hullking (sorry) out of Brooklyn onto The End...


In the bummer of the day: we just got word from the promoters of the Metal Injection sponsored BLACKENEDFEST that tomorrow's show in Boise,...


RIP a Livecast is back with the double ducer, episode number 22 featuring the return of Rob after a hiatus last week at the...

Latest News

How can you not get excited for new music from BEHEMOTH? The band's next release, Evangelion, on August 7 in Europe via Nuclear Blast...


Our (sort-of) bi-weekly video podcast, The FiX is back with an all-new edition featuring some of the best videos that are not getting airplay...

Latest News

We've picked at METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich a lot on this website (whether it's bonding with dudes in bathroom stalls, illegally downloading his own...

Metal Up Your Ass

Touring can be tough. But, at least Geoff Tate (QUEENSRYCHE) is here to tell you communication is key. For musicians who get hurt on...

Metal Up Your Ass

Ever wonder what it would be like if one of your metal heroes made it to the cover of People magazine (think of paparazzi...

Back in the Day

For every band that carries on past their prime years to the point of self-parody, there's a barely noticeable, ultra-rare breed who split up...


Like any movie starring Freddy Krueger, CANNIBAL CORPSE are almost insusceptible to evaluation. Anybody who likes Cannibal Corpse is going to enjoy Evisceration Plague,...

Latest News

Appropriately enough for a band that’s been known to defy conventions, THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN’s new DVD sounds like it goes beyond the average...

Go See This Fucking Band

So much about METALLICA is deeply ingrained into our consciousness that amidst all the CDs, documentaries, merch, hype, missteps, tributes, parodies, media, video games...

Video Games

I have to be honest. I haven't picked up Guitar Hero or Rock Band in months. The only time I even think of dusting...

Tour Dates

In a Really? moment, I saw over at MetalSucks that DISTURBED has tapped KILLSWITCH ENGAGE, CHIMARIA and LACUNA COIL as openers for their fourth...

Latest News

Looks like SLIPKNOT frontman Corey Taylor is not content being in two bands (STONE SOUR being the other of course). Taylor said in a...

Latest News

From guitarist Doc Coyle on the band's MySpace (where you can stream the new song, "The Rain):" "All of us in God Forbid are...

Video Games

The newest issue of Game Informer has some exclusive scoops on the upcoming Guitar Hero: Metallica game. Much like with Guitar Hero World Tour,...

Latest News

Anybody with a remotely passing interest in metal can remember that day in December 2004 when Dimebag Darrell Abbott was gunned down in Ohio....

METAL Injection

Aww shit! If you were lurking on the forums, you know we hinted at finally getting some new merch in and here it is!...