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"I think it's safe to say that the longer people have to wait, the better the result is going to be."

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They had to go buy some after theirs got stuck.

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"It's just kind of sitting there on my laptop waiting to be dug back into."


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"What I remember most about that in 2003 was not knowing what the setlist was gonna be each night."

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"We have crowdkilling, Fugazi, Mars Volta, Entombed, mathcore madness, slow Nate riffs where I play too fast, shitty riffs, emo riffs…"



"Honestly, the biggest flaw of Phantoma is a gripe that could be made about a lot of power metal: too much of it sounds...


"Charismatic Leaders is another classic entry in their catalog and another reason for why Wheel absolutely deserves to be a household name in the...


"This album isn't one for genre purists, but lovers of pure expression created by people with a deep understanding of multiple types of music."


"So long as Deicide is putting out albums of this quality, it'll be worth checking out whatever that is."
