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Search results for "venom"

Weekly Injection

This edition includes head wear-themed thrash, the second (maybe third) coming of 90's icons, stoner jams of varying intensities, and more! To the metals...


This is but a small sampling of over 2500 CDs for less than $10 – again, physical CDs, some of which are cheaper than...

The Obituarist

Hello freaks and geeks. It is I, The Obituarist; your favorite rain man hunter of all things underground! After a long and once indefinite...


In need of some vicious and sinister hardcore that includes a touch of thrash? Well you’re in luck with the debut LP from Primal...

Tour Dates

Plus High On Fire, The Hellacopters, Red Fang, CKY, Boris, Goblin, Mutoid Man, Dopethrone, and a TON more!

Latest News

Recorded at guitarist Joe Haley's Crawl Space Studios.


Mike Portnoy has no idea what the Devastation On The Nation lineup is.

Tour Dates

Ingested, Disentomb, Arkaik, Venom Prison, Vale Of Pnath, and Enfold Darkness too.


Featuring tons of old members.

Best of 2017

Another year is just about in the books. As the world teeters further and further toward the chasm of total breakdown, we the good...


Sweet Death and Ecstasy offers a healthy demonstration of Midnight's penchant for writing rebar rigid heavy metal that salutes the rocking past while simultaneously...

Best of 2017

Celebrating The Franklin Godla III Awards For Radicalness In Heavy Metal

Best of 2017

Where does the time go? 2017, another…interesting year; has come and gone. There were some great highs, painful lows, and ridiculous bizarro world headlines...


Cascadian black metal that doesn't lose sight of its roots - Barrowlands have crafted something truly special with their sophomore LP.

Latest News

He's been out of the group for a little bit now.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes bands ending length album gaps, stuff to thrash to, stuff to get high to (although, once would likely get high to...


The geological and folkloristic-minded among you are likely well aware that the name Dimmu Borgir was, in fact, hijacked from Icelandic folklore – its meaning...