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Matching Tags: upcoming releases

Shocking Revelations

…or would that be Korn's katering?


This episode is a double header. We kick things off with a quick conversation with Chris Jericho, who talks about his upcoming Rock &...

Latest News

"Munky and Head have been writing with different people for a while now, getting songs together."

Upcoming Releases

According to guitarist Michael Spreitzer, anyway.

Music Videos

"This tune is more about the delusions that lead someone to commit this kind of violence; the mindset that would make someone take such...


Presumably for one of his million new albums or projects.

Tour Dates

One dude took drone footage of the ticket lines. It's insane.

Upcoming Releases

Makes sense, considering Avenged Sevenfold mentioned it.

Music Videos

One of the big hits of Appetite for Destruction (and a far better song than "Welcome to the Jungle" IMO) was "It's So Easy."...

RIP a Livecast

Sid wasn't around for this episode because he was in London, but thankfully we had an international ISDN line set up to get some...

Injection Reflection

It's the weekend and I'm gearing up to watch the Battle of the Super Juniors. If you don't know what that means just enjoy...

Music Videos

Burn The Priest has just released a brand new music video for "Kerosene", from their upcoming covers album, Legion XX, available tomorrow. The track...

New Music

This one will make you dance.

Tour Dates

It's been 20 years already??


Lots of acoustic guitars going on here.