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Matching Tags: upcoming releases

Injection Reflection

Holy crap, July is almost over. Where does the time go? Here's what you missed this week: Metalocalypse Director Jon Schnepp Has Passed Away 10...

Bummer Alert

A replacement has already been announced.

Tour Dates

One of Arizona's preeminent metal talents, Spirit Adrift hits the road this week for a string of tour dates. The dates begin Wednesday and stretch through...

Upcoming Releases

Spoiler: Nergal is Jesus on the cross.

Upcoming Releases

"Apoptosis is the scientific term for when cells systematically die to have new cells come in and replace them."

Tour Dates

Fall is a busy one for these three

Music Videos

Judas Priest are gearing up to kick off the fall leg of their Firepower tour and while they were in the studio rehearsing, they got...

Injection Reflection

I'm still a little shaken up about the death of Metalocalypse director Jon Schnepp. What a bummer. Here are this week's most trending stories: 16 Amazing...


Ever since the release of Machines of Man's last LP, Dreamstates, my radar has been on high alert for these crazy musicians. I reviewed...


The most essential 16 live albums.

Music Videos

NYC's HAAN is a rock group that doesn't look to reimagine the genre, but simply excel at it. By combining their pounding tribal grooves,...

New Music

It's been a couple years since we've heard from Norway's black metal outfit Vreid, but in some really exciting and unexpected news, they have just...

At The Movies

If you're a Queen fan, this movie seems "can't miss."

Breakups & Shakeups

"We would like to thank Erlend Hjelvik for his contribution to the band, and wish him all the best for the future."


The eccentric prog metal genius talks about Ocean Machine: Live at The Ancient Roman Theatre Plovdiv, the disbandment of DTP, his upcoming releases, and...

Music Videos

I only recently heard about the Lithuanian / Holland groove metal band, Awakening Sun, but they sure have my attention now. With ample grooves...

Upcoming Releases

"It doesn't suck, I know that. I'm not going, 'Go back, please.'"