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Search results for "ANTHRAX"

Matching Tags: Anthrax , Anthrax

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The band have confirmed they will be contributing to Catch the Throne.

Bands and Booze

Would you drink it?

Metal In The Mainstream

He's played a walker before, but never on the main show.

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But he didn't do it because of Kerry King... KIDDING. Maybe. Find out!

br00tal Comedy

Scott Ian never had an alcoholic beverage until Lemmy offered him one.

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The Anthrax guitarist offers his perspective on this infamous incident.


September 12th marks the third anniversary of the most recent Anthrax album, Worship Music, so let’s hope this cherry on the cake – a...


Could Turbin have been the frontman of the biggest metal band ever?


We round up your favorite metal artists' Throwback Thursday photos.


Who do you want to see get iced next?


We're going to try to do a new weekly column here at Metal Injection where we try to gather together all the classic Throwback...

Upcoming Releases

Ian can add published author to his resume.

Fuck Yes!

They should get the Lanisters to do gang vocals!

Tour Dates

We have all the info on this year's Knotfest, which also features Black Label Society, Suicide Silence, Hatebreed and many more.

Metal In The Mainstream

In case you haven't figured it out yet, we're really big Game of Thrones fans here at Metal Injection. We've highlighted metal versions of...

Live Footage

It should shock nobody that nü-metal kings Limp Bizkit are big fans of the Public Enemy/Anthrax collaboration, "Bring the Noise." Some critics called that...

Live Footage

Proving there is no bad blood, anymore at least, former Anthrax guitarist Rob Caggiano joined the band on stage at Copenhell festival in Denmark...