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Get ready for Unexpect crossbred with Augury levels of weird in today's Tech-Death Tuesday early stream of Solinaris-Deranged. Don't sleep on this record!

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Volbeat and Metallica in the same year? Impossible!

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A supergroup melding with another artist for a supergroup.

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Judas Priest will be releasing a new album in the early part of 2017, according to legendary frontman Rob Halford. In a recent interview...

Song Premiere

The Conflux Collective deliver their first song unto us, a brain scrambling ditty called "Lucid Hallucinations". This new multi-national death metal group is definitely...


Within the context of the larger American culture, the Ministry of Darkness was a nod to both the Goths and the reemerging popularity of...


Elevators To The Grateful Sky are getting ready to turn rock and roll on its head. Are you ready for them?


Church of Misery rely heavily on the strength of their music, which bears a strong familiarity that could be equal parts turn on or...


Clean vocals and thrash? Fat ass riffs and slow harmonies? Check, and check.


Goddammit. Lillake is so good it's almost unreal.


Through The Eyes of The Dead is doing things again.


Vocalist Dead, vocalist Messiah, and drummer Manheim return!


A) Sludge Metal B) Progressive Metal C) Post-Metal D) All of the above


Stating Spiritual Beggars' Sunrise to Sundown would've been more well received 30 years ago is certainly no understatement, yet additionally the execution proves that...


He claims it's a done deal.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes music that'll either inspire you to get high, inspire you to pillage, or inspire you to do whatever fucked up thing The...