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Search results for "Heroes"

The Obituarist

Hello boys and ghouls! Trevor Strnad AKA The Obituarist here at Metal Injection reporting for death metal duty! I am currently hungover in a...


Without Vinnie Paul's career-long contributions, the landscape of metal would sound very different today


It’s comforting to know that the old guard can throw down as hard as, if not harder than, today’s young bucks.


Mark Tremonti talks new concept record A Dying Machine, touring with Iron Maiden and shares his definitive metal album.


DevilDriver's Dez Fafara salutes the outlaws of country music with Outlaws til' The End


When former Witch Mountain vocalist, Uta Plotkin announced her departure from the band back in 2014, the belief was that the Portland veterans were...

At The Movies

Wyld Stallyns are officially back together!


There is something to be said for experience and longevity. If you, as a death metal musician, have survived decades upon decades in this...


Welcome back to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years...

Upcoming Releases

Devildriver have been talking up their outlaw country album for a while and now we finally have details. Outlaws ‘Til The End will be released...

Upcoming Releases

Living Colour, Morbid Angel, Celtic Frost, Kreator, Voivod, and Jungle Rot too.

At The Movies

James Hetfield is a clean-cut highway patrolman.

This Is Just A Tribute

Also featuring Biffy Clyro, Umphrey’s Mcgee, Todd Rundgren, Sun Kil Moon, and Gogol Bordello.

New Music

Bloodmoon have come out of the murk of Central California to melt off your face with a transcendent doom metal attack.


Originally released in 2003, The Beyond has always stood out in Cult of Luna’s discography as the most direct and immediate of their recordings.

Bands and Booze

Portions of the beer's proceeds will go to charity!


Infernal Overdrive accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do: offer a textbook classic heavy metal vibe with glimpses of offshoot techniques throughout.

Metal In The Mainstream

"Prime Minister Rasmussen understands my favorite [music],” Jokowi said with a wide smile


"We hung out in the Lower East Side when it was the most dangerous time, ever … shootings, muggings, gangs all around us. That...