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Weekly Injection

This edition of the Weekly Injeciton features a band that shares a name with one of my favorite Mortal Kombat characters, a band named...

Upcoming Releases

Yes! Progressive metal is looking great this year!


Enslaved were one of the earlier Scandinavian bands to begin rigorously unraveling the increasingly staid black metal template. Though they've been at this "controlled...


Peter Shallmin is the bassist and creative driving force behind ESCAPETHECULT, the new supergroup featuring members of Primus, Mercyful Fate, Uneven Structure and Kamlath....

Weekly Injection

As I teased last week, this week'd WEEKLY INJECTION is packed. It features THREE prog bands dropping live releases, English fuzz, Portland doom, Norwegian black...

Upcoming Releases

That was unexpected!


Bled White is the latest album from Novembers Doom, and if you're totally unfamiliar with their sound, think of them as a mix of...

Weekly Injection

I alluded to today's monstrous releases last week, and the day i finally upon us. This week's edition of The Weekly Injection features some...

Best of 2013

My Top 5 List of Things You Should Take Away From My Top 20 List 5. I still believe numerical album lists are silly,...

Around the Interwebs

The interesting folks over at Société Perrier picked up twenty four separate band members from various well-known metal groups and asked them the one burning...

Best of 2013

Every single year I get excited about a fair amount of records, exclaiming that each one is easily the best of the batch without...


Dream Theater, Trivium, The Devil Wears Prada, Doyle, Carcass, Intronaut, Shining (NOR), Rivers Of Nihil chime in on how they think fans will be...


If you're anything like me, you know that autumn is basically the best time of year. The leaves change into awesome colors, there's literally...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome back to the Bandcamp Buried Treasure article series, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp...

Fuck Yes!

I've always been tempted to take a trip to Tilburg in the Netherlands for Roadburn but for one reason or another, I never made...


2013 seems to be the year for side projects to rear their ugly heads. While some have been uglier than others like the Temple...

Latest News

That's right! As if i weren't enough that Cult of Luna had released their album Vertikal early on in 2013, they've decided that there...


Friday night I had one of the coolest metal moments of my metal nerd life. Summer Slaughter kicked off in San Francisco and The Ocean put...