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Search results for "the-black-dahlia-murder"

Music Videos

The band's new album, Abysmal, is out today! If you needed extra convincing, here's a pretty ripping performance video from one of the best live...

Weekly Injection

Who knew that there would be may more good releases not on 9/11. Weird. Anyway, there is almost too much good stuff. Canadian shred...

The Obituarist

Hey kids!  The Obituarist is here, back with another round up of killer releases from this year, each sure to decimate you into utter...


What’s not to love about a band that changes their sound a little from album to album while still being completely recognizable? Black Dahlia...

Tour Dates

It will be really exciting for me to catch the opening two acts, as well as enjoy the rest of the bill. It's pretty...


The Black Dahlia Murder have officially released two killer new tracks, "Vlad, Son of the Dragon," and "Receipt" and today they offer another heavy example of...


The new album from The Black Dahilia Murder, Abysmal, is anything but! It's an excellent new offering from the Detroit melo-death crushers. Today, the...

Injection Reflection

It's Memorial Day weekend! That means things will be slow on Monday but we'll return to regularly scheduled programming on Tuesday. All The Metal...

Upcoming Releases

New Black Dahlia Murder this year? Yes, please!


Could the Black Dahlia Murder be making their Summer Slaughter return?


Ten years totally fly by, especially once you hit 30 and realize your twenties and a quarter of your life is over. It seems...


Retro metal gone death? Basically.


Live Carcass is good Carcass.

Injection Reflection

Also, Suicide Silence memorial show footage and concert attendance figures.

Tour Dates

Next year is shaping up to be unbelievably brutal in terms of tours! We've got Nile doing their thing, Carcass out on the road...

Tour Dates

Can I just point out how great 2014 is looking for tours? We've got the insane Decibel Magazine tour with Carcass and The Black...

Best of 2013

Here we are again; the end of another year in metal. And here I am again, trying to put together a list of the...

Best of 2013

As 2013 wanes into the cold beginnings of 2014, it's time to look back on the records that shaped the past year in extreme...

Tour Dates

It's really, actually happening. We've figured out the lineup, got it confirmed by the band, confirmed by Decibel itself and now it's a very...