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Search results for "cello"


Intronaut is a special, one-of-a-kind band. Ever since they released their Null EP in 2006, they've been on an upward spiral into the upper...


We are currently blessed with what is quite possibly the best doom metal scene of all time. There are countless bands guiding the scene...

The Obituarist

Hey kids!  The Obituarist is here, back with another round up of killer releases from this year, each sure to decimate you into utter...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes cellos, sad metal, a truly special band I hope blows up huge, and more! To the metals…


Aldafǫðr ok munka dróttin was crafted as an ode to the nomadic spirit of the Scandinavian people, whom history has dubbed vikings. As such...

Damn. This is a little too catchy.


Napalm Death finds themselves writing some of the most complex songs they've ever assembled while simultaneously pushing out blasts that melt even the most...


Now you're responsible for breaking your stuff like an idiot! Hooray!

Gear Gods

Thomas Zwijsen recently uploaded this beautiful acoustic instrumental cover of the classic Iron Maiden tune "Fear of the Dark" and I can almost hear...

At The Movies

Don't be afraid.

Weekly Injection

Life happens. This weeks reviews are short and to the point. Sorry? This edition includes old school death metalers from every corner, aquatic doom,...


Back from the ocean deep to the shores of San Francisco (by by of Sacramento) Giant Squid have returned to drag you to a...


Dylan Carlson doesn’t exactly abandon his Western noir template on this year’s Primitive and Deadly - an uncharacteristically ho hum album title that serves...

Upcoming Releases

This is a live video not to be missed for prog-metal fans.

Shocking Revelations

Think of the typical sandwiches you would have, Lemmy is not interested in those!

Sick Art

Now when can we hear some music?


From the mind of Roman Saenko comes a folk compilation of international recording artists whose goal is to bring a piece of heritage from...

Live Footage

Oblivion frontman Nick Vasallo took inspiration from metal bands like Dying Fetus, All Shall Perish, Antagony and others when composing his new piece, Elements...

Latest News

This is pretty crazy in the weirdest way imaginable.

Best of 2013

This year has been one of the best for music in a long time, for me personally. All of my favorite artists but one...