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Click To EnlargeA slew of new info on Ozzy Osbourne's next album, Scream, has been released. The artwork can be seen to your right....

Tour Dates

Last week, I guaranteed that Alice In Chains, Deftones and Mastodon would be touring together and now my inbox is full of tour dates...


Deftones' (pretty awesome) new album is now streaming for FREE at two different locations: IHeartRadio.com for US visitors and NME.com for UK fans. The...

Tour Dates

Nile are all about planning ahead! They have mapped out a new U.S. tour for the fall that will feature a pretty incredible lineup...

Upcoming Releases

A few weeks ago we got really excited when Meshuggah's Tomas Haake said the band plans to spend the year writing, but turns out...


By Ben Apatoff SON OF AURELIUS' label debut, The Farthest Reaches, is already one of the most gushed-about death metal records of the year....


Normally, I find myself annoyed with certain causes that PETA gets behind, but we are both in agreement here that dog fighting is pretty...

Tour Dates

And now there are dates! Last week we gushed over the incredible lineup reveal of DECAPITATED, THE FACELESS, ALL SHALL PERISH, THE RED CHORD,...


Man, I am hungover after a long weekend. Thankfully, I have some brand new music from Italy's Stigma to wake me up. The band...

Upcoming Releases

By: Shannon Joy Ipecac Records have posted a live video for Mike Patton's latest musical endeavor, MONDO CANE, on their official YouTube channel.  The album...

Latest News

By: Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann It's no secret in the world of metal that METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich is well… a whiney bitch. From his tirades...

Latest News

The next (big?) summer tour package has been announced! While it's nowhere near as extreme as this year's Summer Slaughter tour bill, the "Cool...

RIP a Livecast

On this edition of the RIP a Livecast we celebrate Noa's 67th birthday. We tried to get all the callers to sing Noa the...

Latest News

On the topic of the Golden Gods Awards, while talking with Joey Jordison about his current project, Murderdolls on the black carpet, Joey let...

Tour Dates

Dark Tranquility are returning to the states for a headlining run! They will be taking out Threat Signal and Mutiny Within. The band is...


We've seen Saturday Night Live take shots at ICP in the past, and now it looks to be a recurring sketch as we got...

Tour Dates

Well, that's a relief. Looks like Howard Jones is hanging around Killswitch Engage after all. While the band haven't yet disclosed why Jones had...

Latest News

Type O Negative have released an official statement on the passing of vocalist Peter Steele. Here is the unedited statement: “It is with great...


Well, here it is. The new single from Ozzy Osbourne is called "Let Me Hear You Scream." After two consecutive listens, it's stuck in...

Bummer Alert

Blabbermouth is now confirming the death of Peter Steele, after contacting Type-O keyboardist Josh Silver, who validated online speculation about his death. The band...

Show Recap

by: Robert Pasbani The day after the Golden Gods Awards, Opeth were playing their final 20th Anniversary celebration show at the Wiltern in Los...


By Ben Apatoff Music enthusiasts may know ATTILA as a terrible psychedelic rock band from the late '60s. They're deservedly absent from most people's...


By Ben Apatoff Like any remotely interesting hardcore band these days, CANCER BATS don't play it straight-up. The Canadian punks have a strong southern...