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Search results for "system-of-a-down"

Upcoming Releases

Big things coming soon, according to guitarist Brian "Head" Welch.

Latest News

It's about "the injustice and the humanitarian catastrophe being committed by Azerbaijan and Turkey."

Injection Reflection

It's December already?! Yikes. Here's what you missed this week… LIMP BIZKIT's Wes Borland Was Completely Broke When Quitting the Band in 2001 OZZY...

Live Footage

No guests. Just Sepultura being good alone.


"I wanted to show the unification of our people around the world for one common cause."

Bummer Alert

"We did this for a noble reason, and we did this for the right reasons. We didn't make any money off this."

Injection Reflection

How are we basically halfway through November? This doesn't make sense to me. This year just feels like a dream. Here's what you missed...

Fuck Yes!

"We are overwhelmed with gratitude for your incredible support of our campaign for the people of Artsakh."

Mashups & Covers

Donna Summer's "Hot Stuff" and Ozzy Osbourne's "Flying High Again".

New Music

The songs came about because of a group text started by drummer John Dolmayan.


System of A Down made waves on Friday by releasing their first new music in fifteen years, to support the Armenia Fund, and raise awareness...

Around the Interwebs

Not even a pandemic can stop metlaheads from dressing up for Halloween.

br00tal Comedy

Peter Steele wold be into it.


"Of course it's frustrating. But that's having to do with American politics."

Around the Interwebs

When you think wedding ceremony, perhaps Lamb of God is not the first band you think of when picking a song to walk down...

Caption Contest

Update: I messed up yesterday and posted a photo we just used. Here's take 2. Sorry. -Rob First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations...

Injection Reflection

Holy cow, it's October now? How did that happen? Put on some Type-O, and take a look at what you missed this week… 10-Year-Old...


"My manager, he was just, like, ‘Look, maybe you guys are going a little too far’ — for both Serj and I."

Mashups & Covers

David Ellefson is a really underrated bassist.