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Search results for "black-metal"

Injection Reflection

Plus stream the new After The Burial album, Bring Me the Horizon vs. Coldplay and more


Nightkin: the next big name in melodic black metal.


With our play-on-words black metal celebration in full effect, it's crucial to remember there is a more important subject at hand during the month...

Essential Black Metal Listening

Every style of heavy metal, or music in general, has its culminating album: recordings that capture and define a movement or era. For Norwegian...

King of Metal

In honor of Black Metal History Month, Metal Injection asked Dave Hill – The King Of Metal to review black metal music videos from...

Black Metal History

Extreme polemics have long held an unfortunate place in heavy metal in general, and black metal in particular.

Metal Injection Exclusives

We look back at some of Metal Injection's video highlights from 2015! Catch up on what you missed: On The Record: Season 2 A...

Best of 2015

The funniest video clips of the year (not including music videos.)

Video Games

Fighting off demons one tasty lick at a time!


Even considering the mentality of “If it bleeds, it leads,” the press has been especially full of gore the last few weeks. The perpetrators...

Latest News

It'll be "sort of like Darkthrone, early Dimmu Borgir, early Emperor."

Gear Gods

Where was this when I was a kid?

Injection Reflection

What a week of drama it has been… UPON A BURNING BODY Frontman (Allegedly) Got His Ass Kicked By Former GWAR Frontwoman FIVE FINGER...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Jason Biancaniello who had the best zinger: "The darkness is our light…as long as we're home...